Chuit Initial Release

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Apr 7th, 2004

A little while ago, Sizer released a new Chip8 emulator called simply Chip8 Emulator. There was already an emulator by that name, though. The same emulator is back with a different name: Chuit. There have been lots of improvements since its last incarnation, most notably Super Chip8 emulation. Here's what's new:
  • Added a "GUI"
  • Exported all Direct3D related code to the DirectX library
  • Made the emulator more "game like". All messages after the 3D gfx has been initialized are displayed on the screen instead of messageboxes

  • Emulation (Chip8)
  • Fixed two opcodes. Usually I guess when these didn't work, some data didn't appear on screen. It was noticeable on Alien (SChip8)

  • Emulation (Super Chip8)
  • Super Chip8 games now work!
  • Added 6 new SChip8 opcodes
  • Fixed the render function to compensate for the extended sprite drawing opcode
  • Added a SChip8 font set (which by any means is far from perfect. But I can't be bothered to fix them)
  • Fixed the opcode to point at the SChip8 font
  • Fixed the Chip8 draw opcode. SChip8 gfx is no longer mirrored
Sizer also gives two caveats: Games keep writing outside of the screen, and some nasty bug(s) cause some games to terminate abruptly when they're not supposed to

Grab it at the Chip8 Emulators page More information can be found at this Emu X Haven thread