Zoids Densetsu

Gameboy Translation in English

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Here is an English translation for Zoids Densetsu. There isn’t really much to translate but now you can see what rank you are as you progress through the game and also the Zoid specs as you change Zoids in the game.

Author: MrRichard999 / LastBossKiller

Completion: 100%

Genre: Action

Name Description Filesize
Patch file Zoids Densetsu (Japan).gb CRC32: C32DCA06 MD5: A77E8144B00215385EBF8490A539E4BE SHA-1: 5D6016B605EA22901150BC5735BC13BA64AAF3C6 SHA-256: 2CE6B7D73C4FCDD28767845B1D9E64645186509AC10BA6F8E95B51C25145678D 410 B

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