Wizardry Empire

Gameboy Translation in English

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Here is a full English translation for Wizardry Empire for the Game Boy Color. Everything in the game has been translated! Also this version of Wizardry Empire is completely different than the PlayStation/PC version as it is an entirely different story and scenario.

Author: MrRichard999 / AgentOrange / Helly / Rainponcho / Mark Patraw / Pacnsacdave

Completion: 100%

Genre: RPG

Name Description Filesize
Patch file VERSION 1.03 Wizardry Empire (Japan) (Rev A).GBC CRC32: FA82620F MD5: FCF910E4D2F27BAB40244EB7BF4AA2D3 SHA-1: F5F4E8BEAD0FE45075141133A530A0EB116EA78C SHA-256: CD7F00D398BF30C3302CB814CB849761CAA8AA0183BA7B4460677EC98D7F1472 34.24 KB

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