Zelda Classics

posted in Video Game News by dhalamar on Jan 12th, 2001

Jarrod Woerner wrote to tell us about Zelda Classics, being that the previous post was a little off. :) Zelda Classic is a game created by Armageddon Games And.. Zelda Classic is a tribute to the greatest video game of all time: Nintendo's "The Legend of Zelda". It is an almost exact replica of the NES version that we all know and love. Beyond that, Zelda Classic will allow the development of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges Zelda Classic has been a couple years in the making and is also currently downloaded hundreds of thousands of times a day. Many quests users have created are available for play beyond the original 2 quests the game provided.

So head on over to the Armageddon Games site and download yourself quite possible the best Zelda idea ever to have been thought up. :)