ZD Store

posted in Site News by swampgas on May 4th, 2001

If I may direct your attention to www.zophar.net/store, you'll notice that I'm slowly entering the goodies into the database. Right now it's set to start tomorrow at midnight (Sat 12am). A few notes:
  • All the GBAs come with AC adaptor and Powerlink cable (Nintendo is forcing us to do that), so thats why the price isn't $ 94 like I had originally said..it includes the cost of that stuff. We make approximately $ 3 profit on each GBA.
  • Games are slowly being added. I'm copying Nintendo's description, since I haven't played any of them. We make approximately $ 3 profit per game.
  • The list of accessories from the wholesaler is kind of unreadable (fax didn't pick up the small print), so I only have the name/price. I'll fix them up with decent descriptions later. We make approximately $ 3-4 on each accessory.
  • I'm assuming we'll be shipping stuff sometime between the 10th to the 12th of June and if you're in the US, it's 2-day priority mail.
  • ONE GBA unit per mailing address. Since I do orders by hand, I'll see it and cancel additional orders. I hate to be a pain, but we have very limited supplies.
  • Our orders must be in by the 11th, so anything placed after the 11th might not get shipped until past the release date.
  • If we don't get a lot of orders, I'll forget about the 1 unit restriction and you can place more orders for GBAs if you'd like.
  • Again, this isn't some huge corporation selling this. I'm the only person here involved in it, and I'm doing it for free (all proceeds go to ZD). I have no previous retail experience, so I'm playing it by ear and making decisions minute by minute. Questions, comments, problems can be addressed to me. Remember DO NOT use our news submitter for this...the staff will just delete it.
If you decide to buy from us, we thank you. It's helping to keep ZD (and our host which hosts just about every emulation site) online. This can go 1 of 2 ways. We do really bad, fulfill what you order and call it quits. Or, we do really good and we'll start offering more stuff. Either way, have fun. Update: Eh, changed my mind. At the request of a lot of people, I've opened up the flood gates and you should be able to start preordering your US GBA stuff now. Remember to email me if you see a problem. I'm reeeeeeally nervous :)