X MAME v56.1

posted in Emulator Release by brazenheart on Nov 24th, 2001

There is a new version of X MAME. Here's the list of updates:
  • Everything from MAME 0.56.
  • The svgafx driver is working again--it was broken by the removal of 8bpp support from the core. (Henri and Jason)
  • Numeric keypad support is now much better. (Andre Majorel)
  • Added arbitrary height scaling, available via the -arbheight option and started sanitizing the blit core. This currently only works with the X11 (windows, DGA1, DGA2) and svgalib drivers. (Adam Moss)
  • Added support in makefile.unix for the Intel C++ compiler, and also a sample wrapper script in contrib/tools. (Adam Moss)
  • Added -usbpspad/-pspad switch for support of the direction buttons on the Playstation gamepad. (Bill Adams)
  • Added support for SDL under BeOS. Sound is not currently supported, however. (Jack Burton)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented romalizer from working. (Shyouzou Sugitani)
  • The xgl target should work much better. (Sven Goethel)
  • The -hotrod/-hr and -hotrodse/-hrse commands should actually work now.
  • Fixed a bunch of warnings that occurred when linking with GNU binutils using -warn-common.
  • Added DGA2 documentation: src/unix/doc/dga2.txt. (Shyouzou Sugitani) You can get it at the MAME for Unix/Linux page. Also, as an added bonus, the X MAME website has been redesigned. Thanks to klone343 for the news.