UberNES v1 Revision 1

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Apr 3rd, 2004

Luke Kucalaba and Luke Molnar have let us know of a new NES emulator they've coded over the course of 2 years called UberNES. It's fast and has reasonably accurate emulation with a rich and innovative GUI that includes many unique features. Here are some specs according to the authors:
  • Full CPU, PPU, and APU emulation
  • Support for iNES mappers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 35, 66 (which spans nearly every North American game and many Japanese games)
  • Support for gamepads 1 and 2
  • Configurable items include selection of various PPU palettes and APU output format (sample rate, size, etc)

  • Special Features
  • Quickly and easily build a NES Database that contains all of your NES games
  • Load your NES Database in the DB browser and view extended information about each game such as the producer, developer, box art, and even the description from the back of the original box
  • View your favorite games as determined by the various gameplay statistics that UberNES maintains
  • Download stats from the Worldwide NES database and see what games are most popular with other UberNES users across the world
  • Upload your gameplay stats so they can be added to the Worldwide NES Database
  • Extensive debugging supports allows the user to view various NES components as games are emulated. UberNES is an MDI application that allows for clean and efficient visualization of these components
  • An embedded NSF player
  • And more!
The Worldwide NES Database feature sounds really interesting...it looks as though this emulator may become popular quickly

Try it out at the Nintendo Emulators section!