U64Emu v1.15

posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 7th, 2000

The Killer Instinct arcade emulator U64Emu was updated recently. It now has sound, among a few other things. There were actually 2 releases for this today, so here's what's new with both of them(the second release was just a big fix). Version 1.14:

  • Sound
  • '-' key or '=' key gets you into volume adjust mode.
  • '2' key enters test mode.
  • No more pointer and flashing window in fullscreen mode.
  • F5 starts/stops sound.
  • Scanline support. This works only in fullscreen 640x480.
  • FPS indicator is very different.
  • You are always locked to 60Hz.

v1.15 fixes:

This version fixes a big speed bug that crept into the earlier release. RCP says it was some kind of timing issue that only came up on fast machines. The 60hz lock has also been reactivated so people can adjust the speed a little more. Also RCP let me know that particle effects were fixed in version 1.14 as well!

You can go grab it from the Single Arcade Emulators section.