Three from Dr. Navi!

posted in Translation News by flash on Feb 19th, 2003

We've just added three hacks from Dr. Navi Software. First there's Final Fantasy Annoyance, a hack of Final Fantasy 1 for the NES console. In this hack, the towns have become long mazes, and most of the starting characters have been changed graphically. Second is Trodiem, a hack of Metroid for the NES system. In this one, the mazes are more difficult, there are color changes, and Samus is wearing a dress. 0_o! Lastly is Final Fantasy 3 Donut, a hack of Final Fantasy 3 for the SNES game system. This is primarily a spoof hack, and from the screenshots I've seen, I does look pretty funny. You can get all these hacks at our Hacks page. Thanks to Daniel for the news.