SMILE v0.03

posted in Utility Release by mfc on Oct 20th, 2003

SMILE, a Super Metroid Level Editor written in Visual Basic by Jathys, was updated recently. This release is mainly for cosmetic fixes, but here is a list of what is new:
  • Scroll area boxes can now be seen in other editing views
  • Removed scroll value #3 (yellow) from the scroll viewer, since it isn't supposed to exist anyway
  • Adjusted scroll area boxes by one pixel, to eliminate the illusion that there's different colors (ie- red & green makes yellow)
  • Changed the mouse icon used in dragging/dropping from the BTS menu to make it easier on the eyes
  • Made the clipboard grid much easier on the eyes
  • Click-n-Drag to select tiles in multiple directions now
  • Fixed a bug that saved graphic sheet and music track/control to Standard states, regardless of the state selected
  • Select music from a list with song titles
Show your love for VB programs and download this in the Facelift Utilities section!