Sintendo homepage updated

posted in Emulator News by dhalamar on Jan 16th, 2001

The homepage for the Super Nintendo emulator for Dreamcast Sintendo was updated recently with a real long post regarding the author's life, and how the emulator will be doing. Here's an excerpt:

...Someone was nice enough to send me a link to another page (in Spanish) that had copies of most of the files I was missing on the downloads page. Thanks to DC_CODER for this links. Thank you, also, all of you who offered to send me Sintendo v0.02, which I no longer need, or any other files which you offered. I appreciate your support. In another note, please don't offer to send me Visual C++, I have a completely legitimate copy and am not interested in illegal rips....

Head on over to the Sintendo homepage for the complete post. Thanks to PeterD for notifying me on ICQ of all things about this. :)