Sintendo Beta v0.10

posted in Emulator Release by outsider on Aug 2nd, 2001

Sintendo is a SNES Emulator for the Dreamcast which is based on the official source code of Snes9x. Here's what's new in this version:
  • Improved menus allow access to all ROMs and have no minimum numver of ROMs.
  • Full suite of VMU saving/loading features that allow VMU replacement during gameplay and confirms saving behavior.
  • VMU menu allows removing/inserting of VMUs and allows you the option to not save (press B).
  • If you chose the wrong memory card or accidently hit B, insert or remove a memory card to get back to the menu.
  • Adjustable frameskip runs a full gambit of 24 option frameskip selections, from barely any frameskip to barely any frames shown. 30/60 - 50/60 frames skipped is recommended for optimal gameplay.
  • Proper use of frameskip allows gameplay at 100% speed with some jerkiness which may be minimal for most games.
  • Transparencies! Disabled by default, may be enabled/disabled during gameplay through In-Game menu. (Slows down gameplay somewhat - but Zelda is beautiful).
  • Optional folder browsing of ROMs. Virtual infinite number of ROMs through folder recursion, place ROMs in a sub folder of SNES and they may still be accessed.
  • Reorganized In-Game menu that is hopefully more logical than previous versions.
  • TV Mode (default) cuts a small border arround all edges so entire SNES screen is visible. VGA Mode (available through In-Game menu) runs full screen and some parts of the screen may not be visible on TVs.
  • Controller Config/Credits still unavailable from In-Game menu.
  • No Sound. Download it from the SNES Emulators for Dreamcast page.