Sidebar update

posted in Site News by swampgas on Mar 18th, 2001

Last week we removed the Windows/DOS emulators from the sidebar to try out a new index for it....the sidebar has gotten hideously large over the past 4.5 years and is a major hassle. The vote is in...and thanks to all who let us know what they thought. It's just about 50/50. Therefore, here is the plan: We'll create a cookie based sidebar. You have one of the following options...1) short short version (arranged like the Windows/DOS emulators are) 2) expanded list of sections you frequent (it will look like it does now, but you can choose to expand certain ones) 3) long long version (the way it used to be). Those who don't support cookies will get the short short version by default. So, expect to see that take effect sometime soon. I'm 100% against fancy shmancy sites with a load of vbscript, javascript, zings/zangs, etc. ZD will always be a simple site (despite it's complexity) with as few hops as possible to the final destination. Of course, I'm still open to suggestions (as always) can head over to the Suggestion board to offer another solution.