
posted in Emulator Release by dhalamar on Dec 12th, 2000

The MSX emulator ruMSX was updated to v 0.22. Here's what's new:

  • RUMSXEMU.ZIP and RUMSXIMG.ZIP are changed.
  • RUMSXLNG.ZIP (*updated*) is provided to support japanese, dutch, portugese and german RuMSX-languages. This language-support is part of the InstallShield-version too.
  • RUMSXTST.ZIP (*updated*) is provided to test-configurations of Arabic MSX2, Korean MSX and MSX2 as well as Brasilian MSX 2+ computers. Please note that several files are copyright of their respective owners, also not all features are fully working now. So you can use this extension for evaluation only! This extension is also NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
  • MSX-DOS 2.31 (CALL) FORMAT fixed (CHOICE call was not patched) Thanks to Kazuhiro Tsujikawa for patching the ROM once more
  • MSX 2+ configuration enhanced: Slot 2 is now extended, Kanji-driver added
  • SKR Painter in arabic configuration is working now "Arabic MSX2.cfg" and PAINTER.ROM updated (thanks to Husni Lutfi for updated arabic ROM)
  • logical VDP-operations OR, TOR, XOR, TXOR, NOT, TNOT caused incorrect results (MSX2 stragegy game "Risk" is working now)
  • VDP-Operations using invalid coordinates sometimes resulted in incorrect output or crashes ("Super Rambo Special" is working now)
  • RuMSX failed to use multiple DirectX-devices (Joystick, Mouse, ...) at the same time
  • Updated SETUP.EXE, which associates changed icons since RuMSX V0.21 correctly (no icon for MemoryImage). Windows 95 now also can handle saved *.RuM files (which is truncated extension of *.RuMSX)
  • Updated MSX-WebLinks (moved links to the WWW to be more up-to-date)
  • Improved MSX-BIOS MainROM documentation and added/changed a few other topics
  • Windowed mode supports now the commonly used 3D look
  • Added one more new RuMSX icon (by Higaki)
  • Created new/empty disk-images were too large if "Format disk" checkbox was selected (default)
  • Formatted disk-sectors were always initialized with $FF byte-values, where MSX-Computers do use $40 to init them.
  • Changed Kazuhiro Tsujikawa's e-Mail address in AboutBox

You can go grab this in the MSX Emulators section.