RockNESX 2.0 Final

posted in Emulator Release by bdlou on Apr 15th, 2002

RockNESX, an outstanding NES emulator for Windows, has been updated. This release features tons of changes. Here is some of what is new:
  • AUDIO, GUI: SERIOUS bug fixed in the sound setup: the soundcard information was being incorrectly stored. This fixes some odd errors on audio initialization.
  • GUI: The GUI was not using correctly the rocklist.dat file during the startup. Fixed.
  • GUI: fixed a bug that was preventing the list of ROMs to show the last rom in some cases.
  • VIDEO: SERIOUS bug fixed when switching video modes during the emulation. This fixes random crashes when the emulation is stopped
  • CORE: Gamegenie support added
  • NETPLAY: added support to .zip filenames (even when the remote side has a .nes file)
  • NETPLAY: fixed a bug that would cause the emulator to crash when the initialization fails in the remote side
To see the entire list of what is new, head over to the RockNES site. Download RockNESX from the NES Emulators area.