Project64k v0.13

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Aug 2nd, 2003

Project64k has been updated! This is basically a version of the N64 emulator Project64 with added Kaillera support. New in this version:
  • You can use different input plugins for online games
  • Keyboard shortcuts fixed for online games, although I wouldn't use the fullscreen (Alt+Enter) because most probably it would make you lose connection...
  • Now the host (the 1st player) controls the cheats that will be used in the game
  • You can send the chat messages using Ctrl+M while playing
  • The emulator doesn't crash when the host presses the "Cancel" button, or a player presses the "Leave" button on the Kaillera window :)
Pick it up at the Nintendo 64 Emulators page!