NLMSX 0.36.2

posted in Emulator Release by slein on Jan 13th, 2002

Looks like we missed a few versions of NLMSX, but now we're up to date. Here's the changes from the three updates we missed: 0.36.2 - Solved a bug in the windows API call GetPrivateProfileSection. - The arabic and matsushita configurations have been removed. 0.36.1 - Solved a color bug when switching to fullscreen with 32 bit colors - Solved a couple of ROM naming problems in the configuration files 0.36 - More stable VDP Command emulation - Existing screenshots will not be overwriten anymore - Added an extra address column in the configuration editor - 32 bit color support - Added more common roms to support the soon to release extra configurations You can get it at the MSX Emulators page. Thanks to Axem for the news.