Nestopia v1.06

posted in Emulator Release by spacetiger on Aug 5th, 2003

The latest version of Nestopia is mostly a bugfix release. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed the input bug that sneaked up in v1.05. IDirectInputDevice8::Poll() was the cause
  • Fixed a bug that caused all soundcards without support for hardware-mixed secondary buffers to not work
  • Did some small optimizations in the PPU core
  • Changed so that state slots can be flushed to files every time the user saves instead of only during load/close
  • Modified the path dialog. Two check mark buttons now control the auto loading and saving of state slots
  • Less sound stutter when toggling the menu in fullscreen
  • Tweaked the render queue and put a limit on how many frames behind the GPU can be to prevent input lag
Pick it up in the NES Emulators section.