N64gfx released!

posted in Utility Release by kiwibonga on Feb 21st, 2001

EAR_CLOCK writes: N64gfx v1.0 was released. Here are its features:
  • N64 32bit true color ( with alpha )
  • N64 16bit high color
  • Generic Linear 2,4,8 bits
  • Export / Import in PNG ADAM7 mode
  • Variable TileWarp
  • Dynamic Palette
  • Output size variable The aspect more important in this utility is its ability to preserve the transparent of the N64true mode (32bit) image, take a look at the examples in the pack! Then I think this utility is the first to allow you to edit N64 graphics! Though the name is N64gfx, this program can be used for other systems. The N64gfx is a DOS program, and need several options in the command line, due to this, I (Hyllian) have programmed a frontend that can facilitate its use. And more important, this is a brazilian utility! ps: Wait for new features soon! You can go grab it in the N64 Utilities section!