
posted in Misc. News by swampgas on Dec 1st, 2000

Rich Craig writes: ZD often posts people's requests for help for their projects. Well, I am turning the tables and offering my help. I write music, and have a score in the works that would work well with an RPG. If anyone out there needs music for a game or other purpose, just give me an email and I'll see what I can do. Thanks! Check out to hear examples of my music. 2 words folks: kick ass. I streamed a few songs and really like them...I'll be leeching them this evening. And now a shameless plug for me since we're talking about music. About a year ago, a group called Strange Angel (forget the website) had a remix competiton for one of their songs. I never entered my remix, but it's about time I publicize some of my work. Grab my remix if you're bored.