MacMAME 0.74u2

posted in Emulator Release by esper on Oct 15th, 2003

With a release of the PC version of MAME comes a release of the Mac version as well. Here is what's new:
  • In sync with the Win32 0.74u2 build.
  • Somewhere between 0.60 and 0.66, the application icon was damaged, resulting in some wacky shadow effects (most noticeable when viewed at 128x128). This is now fixed.
  • Now uses OSX-savvy CFPreferences to load and save its settings.
  • Converted chunks of the code to use CarbonEvents, and started ditching resources in favor of nib files.
  • MacMAME once again creates files in the proper location.
  • Fixed issue where renaming MacMAME would cause it to not launch properly.
  • Fixed some bugs with the PPC 68k core. [Andreas Kromke]
  • Added new and improved OSX icons. [Nathan Strum]
Currently up we've got the English and French versions. You can download this emulator from our MAME for the Mac page.