Kawaks 1.05 Released

posted in Emulator Release by outsider on Jun 21st, 2001

Kawaks has also been updated to support this new release of Armored Warriors. Here's what's new: Various emulation fixes: - In the sprite system. Fix for some PGear bugs. - In the layer system. Fix for Ring of Destructions backgrounds. Fix for a small XvSF attract demo glitch. - In the palette system. Fix for flash intros before fight in SFA2, and SSF2 attract demo. - General fixes in CPS1 driver. All SF2s should run like a charm now :)
  • Added dummy driver for main parents of games that do not have their main set emulated (ex, sfa3 for sfz3). Generates better RomCenter DAT.
  • CPS1 games play with Allow Continue ON, Free Play ON and Demo Sounds ON. (Does not affect CPS1 games with EEPROM, like Punisher, WoF and Dino)
  • Sound in QSound CPS1 games (that's Warriors of Fate, Punisher and Cadillac & Dinosaurs), thanks to MZ80 hack by ElSemi.
  • Started work on "regular" CPS1 sound. CPS1 games now have their Z80 running (preliminary mapper). (No sound output yet, however)
  • Upgraded to Genital68k 0.40. Fixes DDSOM's continue countdown. New drivers: Armoured Warriors (US 941024) Street Fighter Zero - CPS Changer (Japan 951020) Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan) (Dynasty Wars Japan, CPS1)
  • Sorted game list a tad :)
  • Sprites Table module works with CPS1 too, now.
  • Full support for CPS1's BgHi. This fixes all priority errors in CPS1 games :)
  • Those without a sound card should be able to use Kawaks now (if NoSound is set to 1 in INI, no DirectSound initialisation occurs)
  • Hopefully fixed bugs with S3/S4 video cards, and others that don't use a standard video pitch. Untested, since my own video cards act 'normally' If you still have problems, please report with: - If possible, a screenshot of the problem - Info about your desktop resolution and color depth - Info about your video card model - Info about what renderer caused the problem (Double mode ? Non double mode ? - Scanlines 50% activated ? Was it a vertical or horizontal game ?) If your problem is fixed in this version, I'd like to hear about it too.
  • Joypad supported in Redefine keys dialog box. Get it from the Multi Arcade page. Thanks Der tolle Emil