Java NES Emulator Coming Soon

posted in Emulator News by aardwolf on Nov 27th, 2000

David de Niese writes:
I will be releasing NESCafe within the next couple of days. NESCafe is a NES emulator written in Java. It is the first Java emulator for the NES to have Sound Support (using the Java Sound API). It supports only a modest number of mappers at the moment (but this is the first release), mappers 0,1,2,3,4,7,9 and 40. For the sound, the two square channels, the triangle channel and the white noise channel are fully emulated (you can hear sound clips on my website). It also supports Save-States, Game Genie codes, has a built in Chat engine (for talking to other NESCafe users), a download engine (for downloading ROMs from a remote server rather than keeping them all on your hard-disk!) and a fully functional debugger. Future releases will support InternetPlay. You can read more about it at my homepage - and follow the link to NESCafe.
We\'ll let you know when something is released.