Jaguar 2001

posted in Emulator News by dhalamar on Jan 12th, 2001

jeremy nottelling writes: This is a big mistake, let me explain though. Basically I am working on a private emulator along with Jaguar God, but we haven't actually got a comercial game to work only one demo, and that doesn't even work well. The screen shots of those games were faked, but not for publicity or to get posted we expected this to stay in are own network. Basically we are a in a group that has been kept quiet but is called EmuDevs 2000 and they help support us by giving us dumps, actual hardware and other various things to help us. We have a person that answers are email and updates the page, so we sent him the info to add to the page to keep EmuDevs off are backs, they had a beta running a demo "sort of" but wanted more so we faked the screen shots because we didn't actually own a Jaguar and they were going to send a jaguar and some games which would help us out. So Jaguar God's job was to talk to are news poster/email answer person and tell him too keep this quiet since it's not real, but he didn't get to him in time he already sent a email out. So if you could please post this or anything about it, I would like to say I'm sorry on the be half of are develper team. We never thought something like this would happen. We would also like to say we are sorry to the emulation scene for this, we definately didn't mean for it to get out and then get peoples hopes up and let them down. Once again we are sorry. Thanks, Jeremy and Jaguar God!

Related links:

  • Jaguar 2001 Emulator