Interesting PS2 News

posted in Misc. News by aardwolf on Dec 12th, 2000

We don't normally post news stories from random people, but I thought that this was interesting enough to put on the front page. thirdhorn writes:
You might find this interesting... I was at a local FuncoLand when unexpectedly, they started putting out Playstation 2s. I had already been to Circut City and Best Buy, and as it turns out, they have been receiving sparadic shipments of the units. However, weather or not they will receive more- and if so, when- remains completely a mystery. On a side note; while I was at that FuncoLand, a man who had pre-ordered his PS2 somehow knew when the shipment came, and asked that his reserved unit stay reserved until he arrived. When he came, he was cut to the front of the line of over a hundred people. He then proceded to buy every PS2 that was left- all 56 of them. I was number 76 in line so I wasn't destined to have on that day anyways. In any case, that and other stores have gotten rid of their lists and put a limit on unit purchases on the PS2s- only one per customer. Oh, and that guy who bought the 56 units- who will remain nameless- is selling them off at an average of $700 on several sites, including Yahoo!Auctions and eBay.
Personally, I'm going to wait until the other big systems (aka Gamecube and XBox) come out before I pick a NextGen system to complement my Dreamcast...