GENSX Homepage updated

posted in Emulator News by dhalamar on Dec 2nd, 2000

The homepage for the Genesis/32X emulator GENSX was updated with the following news:

I'm not doing very well at updating the news pages. But, at least this time I've been steadily working on the emulator since the last update. So, what have been up to? (besides playing Shenmue, and oooh, I have Skies of Arcadia, Jet Grind Radio, and Grandia II all waiting for me.. I really need more free time. Though I did find some time to lie on the beaches of Cancun for a week... ) I've finished phase 1 of rewriting the the 68000 core. Along with a complete rewrite of the Genesis memory systems, the emulator is running faster. While rewriting the memory systems, I discovered several bugs and some long out-standing problems have been fixed. Best of these is the sound seems to be fixed. Every game I know of with sound problems seems to work correctly. There have been a lot of little problems fixed such as games with missing sprites and priority problems. On the 32X side of things, I'm rewriting the SH2 core in assembly and I'm showing some improvement in framerates. And for those keeping score, no, I have not started working on Sega CD support yet. On projects other than Gensx, NBA2K1 is now shipping (I helped on this for about 2 months) and my own pet project was officially unveiled at Sega Gamers day. I've been working on this game forever and it's nearly finished!

Head on over there, and you can go grab GENSX from our Sega Genesis Emulators section.