Festalon v0.4.0

posted in Utility News by The_Ninth_Sage on Dec 18th, 2004

IceFox wrote to tell us that Festalon, the NSF Winamp Plug-in was updated to version 0.4.0. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed a rather stupid bug that could break loading of certain non-bankswitched NSFs
  • XMMS: Fixed a "bug" that was breaking the ALSA output plugin
  • Added partial NSFE support
  • Console: Altered which keys enable and disable channels. Listed in order of channel: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)
  • Added code to allow NSFs with a specified load address lower than 0x6000 to play
  • XMMS: Fixed a bug which could cause severe problems on many output plugins
  • Console: Improved the correctness of the time reported(actual calculated
  • Time into the song rather than how long the song has been playing)
  • Console: Removed DOS support. Use Linux, crazy DOS people!
  • Added support for NSFs with multiple expansion sound chips. It may not sound perfect, due to errors in relative volume levels in Festalon being magnified between the sound chips
  • Massive source code cleanup and movement towards modularization. 0.4.0 will probably be a bit slower than 0.3.0
  • Removed the ugly NeoFill() hacks I used to get VRC7 sound working
You can find it on our NSF Players page.