EmuZWin v2.5 Release 1.7

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Jul 21st, 2004

Vladimir Kladov has once again updated his excellent ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator for Windows again today. This is actually the 6th update this month alone! Here's what is new:
  • [-] Speed synchronization fixed for case when Exact Sound Emulation is turned off
  • [*] MIC sound made a bit quieter (when emulated via DirectX).
  • [-] MIC sound via PC Speaker restored (still for Windows 9x/ME only) and improved.
  • [+] An option added Another Chip which allows to change a bit AY sound in Exact Sound mode (worst it). AY sound quality improved for case of Exact Sound.
  • [+] A 3-state button added to the status bar of main emulator window near sound volume control to indicate/change stereo mode (ABC, ACB, Mono). Pressing in sound ctonrol but not on volume thumb moves this thumb at the position pressed changing sound volume directly.
  • [*] Global sound focus used with DirectX Sound, so in most cases switching to another application will not stop sound anymore.
  • [+] Disk browser improved: it is now possible to open disks from ZIP files (there is no check there if there are disks actually in the ZIP) and it is possible to re-open one of the last 9 files (recent list is provided).
  • [+] Debugger improved a bit: double-click left mouse button in stack moves disassembly to a correspondent memory by an address found in the stack.
  • [-] Debugger fixed: P/V and X flags were exchanged visually.
  • [*] Tape Flash Load improved: if a block is loading with a certain name, but blocks on the tape are not in the order required by the prgram, it is searched faster now.
  • [*] TR-DOS Load from Disk Browser (by double clicking file) improved: now it loads in most cases (USR 0 mode used, calling TR-DOS via RANDOMIZE USR 15616).
  • [+] Two options provided (in Miscellaneous page of Configuration): 'Switch to Pentagon multicolor when load disk file' and 'Switch to appropriate multicolor when Model changed'. When loaded from .ezx file, multicolor saved there is always applied.
Download it from the Spectrum Emulators page