EmuZWin v2.4 Release 0.4

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Mar 28th, 2004

Vladimir Kladov has once again updated his Spectrum 128/48 series emulator for Windows, marking the fourth release of v2.4. New:
  • [+] GFX Colors Replace/Exchange operation added in the GFX Editor
  • [-] The instruction SLA (HL) fixed again :(
  • [+] Fast go to label on double click on its reference in the Assembler added
  • [+] Saving assembler text provided in EZX format as documented
  • [+] A menu item Tools|LensLok added. It is enabled if the LensLok.exe found in startup directory, and just launches this utility
  • [-] Letter 'Y' was drawn twice on the Keyboard, whereas 'I' was absent at all. Fixed
  • [-] Just after switching to non-DirectX full screen mode Spectrum screen could not be accurate centered over screen - fixed
  • [+] A plugin interface and main menu items Record and Save Sound As and Stop Recording Sound/Video added to provide saving sound using external plugins. Also a plugin interface added which allows to play AY sound via external plugin, and correspondent changes made in the Configuration, where it is possible to select one of such plugins to output music
Download it at the Spectrum Emulators area