Desktop Pagers

posted in Video Game News by dhalamar on Jan 10th, 2001

I was over at PSXEmu and I noticed a post about this thing, and I thought to myself "That's cool as...", well, you know the rest. It's a Desktop Pager. I'm sure they make them for other things like stocks and world news and stuff, but I don't care about those. These Desktop Pagers are little programs you install, and, say, you install the Playstation one, it sends you all the latest in Playstation related news. There are Desktop Pagers that send you news about the Playstation, Dreamcast, the PC and the Dreamcast, and, last but not least, the Playstation and PC on the site. Head on over to the Desktop Pager homepage for more inforamtion on these. Thanks to Thorgal for the news.