CrazyChip8 v0.1

posted in Emulator Release by mfc on May 23rd, 2004

Ben wrote in to tell us about a port of his Chip-8 emulator to the Nokia N-Gage recently. From the author:
    I am the author of CrazyChip8 Emulator, and i would like to announce that a port of CrazyChip8 is made for the N-Gage (s60 as well, but lack of physical buttons) machine called 'Chip-N'.

    The core of the emulator is the same as CrazyChip8's original source.

    Basically it runs all chip8 roms, but only few are playable because of some cpu core glitches, schip8 is still unplayable.
You can download this from our Emulators for Digital Phones section.