ClrMamePro v3.32a

posted in Utility Release by mfc on May 11th, 2004

ClrMamePro, a utility for auditing your arcade ROM collection, has been updated today. Here is what's new:
  • misc: improved fast zipscanner some more
    • quicker detection of fake zipfiles
    • no lags when drag&drop big not-zipped files in "about"
    • only allow 0 and 8 compression methods
  • misc: speedup for full-merged sets
  • misc: theoretical speedup for zipfiles with lots of entries
  • misc: some source cleanup
  • misc: "move not renamed sets to backup" is enabled by default
  • misc: renamed popupmenu item "view->Full Missing Set Output" to "Show All Missing Sets" and changed the behaviour a bit. If this flag is disabled you won't see any fully missing sets. This might become handy if you don't have all sets and don't want to see all messages about missing ones.
  • fixed: export datfile sometimes adds a "-" to the nodump flag
Grab it from our Arcade Auditing Utilities section.