ClrMamePro v3.31a

posted in Utility Release by mfc on May 6th, 2004

ClrMamePro, an auditing utility for arcade ROMs, has been updated today! Here is what's new:
  • removed: chdfile clone-of-clone support. since mame doesn't support it, cmpro doesn't support it. Live with it. double area51 for 82 or keep it in a pure rompath, or put it in the parentset...mame supports all of that
  • fixed: fastscan tempfile creation fails when datfileheader description/name tags contains <:*>|/\, etc....illegal filename-characters
  • misc: fixdatfiles don't include chds anymore
  • misc: changed profiler's datfile listing/parsing order...maybe a small speed increase if you're using a lot dats
You can download this from our Arcade Auditing Utilities page.