ClrMamePro v3.02.3

posted in Emulator Release by narvick on Jun 27th, 2003

A new version of ClrMamePro has been released. This is an excellent ROM management utility, as well as many other things. If you haven't tried it yet, please do so; it's worth it. Here's the latest changes:
  • Fixed: 'full chd-inegrity' is performed even when scanner - checksum is disabled
  • Misc: compiled with updated ziparchive class (fixes some rare unzip problems)
  • Misc: drag & drop a zip file in 'About' window will now calculate md5/crc32/sha1/size for each file inside the zip
  • Misc: "Do you want to view the created lists?" after save/miss lists generation can be enabled/disabled by cmpro.ini - Scan_OpenMissHaveLists = on / off
  • Misc: Warningmsgbox is shown when rebuilder destination uses sysdefpaths while scanner's fix-missing doesn't (can be enabled/disabled by cmpro.ini - Scan_SysDefRebuildwarning = off)
Get it at the MAME Utilities page!