Boob!boy pirated

posted in Emulator News by dhalamar on Dec 25th, 2000

Wihend writes: This is the news from the author of the emulator CyRUS64 ( Boob!boy pirated. I have been informed that the Hooligans "release" of a gameboy emulator with roms is in fact Boob!boy. To be honest it doesnt really bother me because im giving it away for free anyway, but changing the loading screens is a bit "lame" imo... anyhow it is bound to not be the latest release of Boob!boy, so its best advisable to stay clear :-) And if someone really feels the need to pirate gameboy games they are not too difficult to find on the internet anyway! ( has an appropriate affiliate website)

Just say no to Dreamcast and emulator pirating.