Blaster Construction Kit v0.3.1

posted in Utility Release by mfc on Oct 28th, 2003

Ben Cutler has released a new version of the Blaster Construction Kit. This is mainly to resolve issues with the Windows version. Here is what's new:
  • 95% sure that i FINALLY fixed the Windows version, it should now work without corrupting the ROM, also removed the dependance on cygwin1.dll, but added dependence on msvcr70.dll
  • Minor tweak to the test ROM command: Now does %s "%s" instead of "%s" "%s". Should still work in *nix and will now work in Windows, but it means that you can no longer have spaces in the emulator path, not that it worked to begin with on Windows
  • Added the rest of the "UNKNOWN" overhead enemy types
  • Some code changes dealing with console output, which makes the code a little more portable
You can pick up a copy in our Facelift Utilities section!