BasiEgaXorz v0.10

posted in Utility Release by mfc on Apr 11th, 2004

BasiEgaXorz, a BASIC compiler for Sega Genesis, was updated recently. Here is what's new:
  • Added a color converter for color codes
  • Data labels don't need to be on the same line as the data statement now. the compiler takes the last label encountered, and makes that the data label
  • No more make.bat or make.pif files =D!
  • No more rich text box :D!!! lots+lots of features with the ide were added/fixed because of this =P (too many to list here)
  • Added more options for naming, and directories
  • Sega CD audio playback commands added
  • Datafile command now searches the project directory for the data file. If a project is untitled, the command will search the path of the compiler for the file. File names can no be longer than 8 characters (long file names)
  • Drawing to different scroll planes, and to the window is now implemented for both text and graphics
  • Added commands to format the window
  • Updated the scroll command to do more things that take scrolling to the Genny's hardware capabilities
  • Multiple Sega CD programs can be stored on one boot iso now
  • Text+Graphics commands updated to change displaying properties
  • Added a Puts command which displays text a whole lot faster, but more parameters are required for this
  • Freed up 256 bytes of RAM
  • List of New Commands: BGColor, FreeAllSprites, SetTextPlane, SetGfxPlane, WindowProp, Disable Window, Puts, Scroll2, SetScrollMode, SetScrollPlane, Write, WriteInt, WriteLong, AddSCD, LoadSCD, CDPlay, CDPlay2, CDStop
  • More options for the option command: Option SegaCD, Option SegaCD Program, Option Cartridge - which overwrites the setting in the option menu to change the output file type
You can download this from our Genesis Development Utilities section!