AdriPSX 01.04.10

posted in Emulator Release by xip on Apr 12th, 2001

AdriPSX is a Playstation emulator for Windows. Here's what's new in this version:
  • Version number, now again means the date of compilation (01.04.10)
  • Fixed Savestates, now they also save sound buffer and graphics.
  • Added Dialogs for Savestates.
  • Added LOAD STATE option in menu.
  • Added protections to DMA_01, now games like "Sidewinder" will not hung during movies.
  • New slightly faster seeking method for reading ISO files.
  • Fixing the disturbing "update bug" that messes up setup.
  • SYSTEM HUNGER MODE" option in CPU SETUP, now also turn off sound, but by enabling this, there's a general speed up, and some extra FPS in most cases. Get it at the PSX page. Thanks to Creamer for the news.