6502d NES Dissassembler Release.

posted in Utility Release by gamer on Feb 10th, 2003

It appears our friend Cortez has written a nice Win32 6502 dissassembler. It's very easy and convienient to use and I would reccomend using this one. Cortez Ralph writes: I've re-written it for Win32 GUI in BC++, and i think it's quite more handy than the DOS version. Also, there's a function 'disasm' that is called in the core loop. In case you don't know, function calls are great slow downs for programs. So the Win32 version uses the 'inline' function type that makes it much faster. Many apologizes for attaching the executable without asking first, I hope there's no problem. Best regards, Cortez Ralph Get it now at the Nintendo Entertainment System Utilities Section.