NBA Jam: Tournament Edition Hacks

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NBA Jam 2K17 - Overtime Edition This romhack takes concepts learned and developed within eskayelle’s NBA Jam TE - Double Z Mod and extends them to EMiller518’s awesome 2K17 mod, the purpose being to develop a proof-in-concept whereby a template game could be created to apply annual roster updates against. (This template then eventually became eskayelle's NBA Jam 2K20 TE hack.)
NBA Jam 2K20 TE (beta) This is the beta release for the third game in the Double Z Mod trilogy, NBA Jam 2K20 TE. The biggest differences between this beta and the finalized game are the rosters. Beta rosters were set before most 2019-20 pre-season free agency moves were executed.
NBA Jam 2K21 - Tournament Edition Before the implementation of v2.0 and the Mattrizzle Player Engine, this v1.104.3.1 was the original "final" build and release of the 2020-21 player update for NBA Jam TE.
NBA Jam TE - Double Z Mod Before the final release of NBA Jam TE - Double Z Mod with various sound clip edits and enhancements, there was this v3.9.9.7, which added various cheat codes, the 1992 Olympic Dream Team, new secret players, the Motor City Bad Boys, the 72-10 1996 World Champion Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan, Hulk Hogan, and more!

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