sonic the hedgehog new adventures

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Hack for Sega: Mega Drive - Genesis - 32X

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sonic the hedgehog new adventures is a sonic 2 hack featuring the scrapped levels. it is currently beta story: shortly after the events of sonic 2 robotnik discovered a peaceful place know as paradise island. he then set off to capture it but little did he know that sonic was relaxing there levels featured: tropical coast: the beach of paradise island. robotnik attacks with an old drill tank he built way back. tree forest: set deep within one of the great forests robotnik attacks with a wrecking ball he uses to knock down big trees. green garden: a garden that houses some very rare flowers robotnik attacks with a hammer mech that he used to squash the poor flowers crystal palace: the shrine to the island you are under pressure here as robotnik is trying to steal the (secret) power source (not yet implemented) quick as you can robotnik attacks with a claw like mech used to dig up the remains of the shrine lava mountain: robotnik has set off a volcano and you just happen to be in the middle of it. robotnik attacks with a lava resistant submarine it ends here in normal gameplay but if you activate the options (start at title) you can enter the usual level select code but if you want to play a normal game just select your character levels that don't work (accessed by level select) sky base act 2 final cyber city act 2 urban chaos act 2 star city act 2 mystic ruins act 2

Author: thomas5631

Name Description Filesize
Misc Files kinda works best with hack 312.35 KB
Patch file not actually a patch more of a stand alone Rom 2.0 1.16 MB

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