PSX Documentation Project
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With over a year's worth of work, the PSX Documentation Project is just about THE guide to the Playstation. After discussing the history of the PSX, it goes into great detail about the memory, CPU, GPU, GTE, MDEC, SPU, the bios itself, the syscalls and all the peripherals. It even includes an exhaustive appendix with the number systems, BIOS calls, GPU command listings and a glossary of terms. If you're the average Joe wanting to see what's inside the grey box, or an advanced programmer looking at developing an emulator or creating a ROM, this is the document you need.
Author: Joshua Walker
Author's website:
Version: 1.0
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Dammok says:
There I thought this is about the actual PSX device but turns out it's about PS1 ...
I suggest rename this to PS1 because PSX is a separate console / device, stop confusing people and wrongly labeling things ...
Originally PSX stands for PlayStation Xperience (experience) which was (and I think still is) news coverage about all PlayStation related things ...
The original PlayStation was always labeled PS, PS1 or later PSone for the slim model.
PSX have nothing to do with it, the actual devices. Other then what I wrote above.