Nintendo - GameBoy Advance Emulators

<< Go to iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch) systems list

Name Description
gpSPhone This is a GBA emulator for the iPhone. Not all games run at full speed but it appears to have pretty good compatibility. Note that it cannot be hosted here as it requires the iPhone app Cydia for updates. This page is here for the reference purposes. See Author's site for details.

Nintendo - GameBoy Advance Emulators on Other Platforms

Windows (27)
Linux (4)
BeOS (2)
Macintosh (4)
-- Gamecube (1)
-- Nintendo DS (2)
-- Game Park 32 (2)
-- Playstation Portable (1)
-- Nintendo Wii (2)
-- GP2X (1)
-- Nintendo 3DS (3)
Pocket PC (2)
Android (3)
JavaScript (3)