Arcade - Single System Emulators

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Name Description
Centipede Introduced at the GBAX 15-Days Coding Competition, this emulator by Seagal plays Centipede, but without sound.
Craig's 8080 Arcade Emu Formerly called MAME for GP32, this emulator by Craig emulates 8080 arcade games like Space Invaders.
GPXCade This is a port of XCade to the GP32. This runs a small pile of games very well, so check it out!

Arcade - Single System Emulators on Other Platforms

Windows (28)
Linux (8)
BeOS (1)
Macintosh (1)
-- Dreamcast (4)
-- Gamecube (1)
-- Playstation (3)
-- Game Boy / Advance (6)
-- Nintendo DS (10)
Java (3)
Palm OS (1)
Android (1)
Digital Cameras (1)