Ban people that break the rules

Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

We've been thinking she's a guy for some time now. Other peopel attest that she is in fact female. I think Flash and I had a conversation about it at MAGFest.

<P ID="signature">:D!</P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

The sexual ambiguity on this board is simply maddening! But maybe, that's not a bad thing... maybe... just maybe... if Lillymon is a man... then the rest of you are actually hot, luscious, busty women!


> We've been thinking she's a guy for some time now. Other
> peopel attest that she is in fact female. I think Flash and
> I had a conversation about it at MAGFest.

<P ID="signature">The more often you fail, the sweeter the taste of success!</P>
> The subject of his post is "Ban people that break the
> rules", he was using Lillymon as an example.

That's still unacceptable. I don't agree with using people who post here as examples for stricter rule enforcement, no matter how much you disagree with their posts, but that's just me. Especially when the post starts out with a personal attack against someone.

<P ID="signature"><hr>
Name: Kuik
Level: 37BLM /20RDM / 15THF / 10NIN/8WHM / 8SAM
Nation: Windurst
Server: Fenrir</P>
> That's still unacceptable. I don't agree with using people
> who post here as examples for stricter rule enforcement, no
> matter how much you disagree with their posts, but that's
> just me. Especially when the post starts out with a
> personal attack against someone.

I see what your saying..

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> The sexual ambiguity on this board is simply maddening! But
> maybe, that's not a bad thing... maybe... just maybe... if
> Lillymon is a man... then the rest of you are actually hot,
> luscious, busty women!

That's the most logical thing I've heard all day.

<P ID="signature">End Transmission</P>
> At least keep her out of the backroom. She never
> contributes to the convos, she just looks to start up
> trouble.

That's why they call it the backroom.

Personally, I don't think posting posts that are asking for flames in return should be a bannable offense. Hell, Danoz would have to worry every time he posts in the backroom (though his posts aren't usually bad "Bush is thje second coming of Jesus" posts yet, lol).

Above all, if you are REALLY peaved about how she posts, don't dignify her posts with your attention! Heck, I'm sure you probably think she does it to get attention...why would you be fulfilling her goal? That's what always annoyed me about people that were always on Brad's ass after every single off-topic post he got to the point where they would become just as off-topic as Brad in effort to make fun of him and it got old.

<P ID="signature"><center>><img
<a href=>Music</a>
Everything's gonna be okay. If not today, tomorrow.</center></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> We've been thinking she's a guy for some time now. Other
> peopel attest that she is in fact female. I think Flash and
> I had a conversation about it at MAGFest.

We can't talk about sexual ambiguity without mentioning AkaneJones.

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> The sexual ambiguity on this board is simply maddening! But
> maybe, that's not a bad thing... maybe... just maybe... if
> Lillymon is a man... then the rest of you are actually hot,
> luscious, busty women!

I'm busty yes, but a hot & luscious woman, no.

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> We can't talk about sexual ambiguity without mentioning
> AkaneJones.

Oh boy, Pandora's Box has been opened...I repeat, Pandora's Box has been opened. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

Seriously Akane, I'm just kidding. I've even had people think I was female because of the two D's when I used the nick ZeldaDD. Heh, if I was female I wouldn't be advertising my breast size in my screen name. :P

<P ID="signature">
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

*Quagmire* Heheh, you're not serious, right? Oh... Oh my God! Oh my God! You don't understand! I've had fantasies! Oh God! */Quagmire*

<P ID="signature">The more often you fail, the sweeter the taste of success!</P>
> As far as Backroom is concerned, it's a little
> looser.

Off topic (of course) ... but was I the only one who read this sentence, and did a double-take and reread it just to try to figure out who Flash was calling a "looser" and why? ;)

I've seen "loser" misspelled so many times... I'm starting to become immune to it. <img src=smilies/cry.gif>
<img src=smilies/headshake.gif>

<P ID="signature"></P>
> Lillymon pisses me off. All she ever does is troll. I
don't think a high post count or former staff status should
make users immune to the rules. If a new user pulled the
shit Lillymon does on a constant basis, they wouldn't last a
That's odd. I always liked Lilymon's posts. I haven't seen her posts in the backroom, but I think you could be a fuckwad there :)

> At least keep her out of the backroom. She never
> contributes to the convos, she just looks to start up
> trouble.
Why you don't just outsmart her then? That way your ego can be satisfied...

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> *Quagmire* Heheh, you're not serious, right? Oh... Oh my
> God! Oh my God! You don't understand! I've had fantasies!
> Oh God! */Quagmire*
*Quagmire* (To peter) A transexual? ewwwwww. Is she preop or postop?
Peter: Preop.
Quagmire: Ewwwwwww.

<P ID="signature"></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> either way she's pry an attention whore, so who gives a
> fuck.

oh, how I long to be genderless, heh.
Attention whores suck, anyway.

Maturity is not overrated... at all. :)

<P ID="signature">--
Disclaimer: The opinions displayed here are those of an asexual. Sex/relationship advice may be inaccurate.
> I've seen "loser" misspelled so many times... I'm starting
> to become immune to it.


Looser = Less strict than the other boards.

<P ID="signature"><hr>
Name: Kuik
Level: 37BLM/20RDM/15THF/10NIN/8WHM /8SAM
Nation: Windurst
Server: Fenrir
Linkshell: CursorSolaris</P>
> Looser = Less strict than the other boards.

Please read my post again.

I saw the word "looser" used properly in context (for the first time ever), but still my poor corrupted brain interpreted it as a misspelling of "loser." :\
<img src=smilies/banghead.gif>

<P ID="signature">--
Disclaimer: The opinions displayed here are those of an asexual. Sex/relationship advice may be inaccurate.
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> *Quagmire* (To peter) A transexual? ewwwwww. Is she preop or
> postop?
> Peter: Preop.
> Quagmire: Ewwwwwww.

er... no

it was more like

*Quagmire* (To transvestite) whoa! transvestite back off! wait, preop or
transvestite: Preop.
Quagmire: whoa! transvestite back off!

and on an on topic note, am I the only one here that would have LOVED to see lillymon flame the shit out of danoz?

<P ID="signature"><center>
sig not found...</center></P>
Re: But she's a girl... on the internet!!

> and on an on topic note, am I the only one here that would
> have LOVED to see lillymon flame the shit out of danoz?

I would've, but that would hurt my credibility. <img src=smilies/retard.gif>

<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=left scrollamount=8><img src=></marquee>
Cheezy: I bet someone will bring up Necrophilia.
Fla_Flash: That's pretty much a dead fucking issue.
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