Audio Rippers Utility in Music Category

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This program lets you browse SNES ROMs as if they were CDs, then you can save all the .wavs at once, at whatever frequency you like, or save your current one. You can also choose to save all the sounds together as one file. SNESSOR95 requires the use of a temp.wav file in your current directory until the author gets around to to allowing it to play directly from memory.

Operating System: Windows 95

Name Updated Description Filesize Download
v2.1 03/08/1998 39.79 KB Download


Mailer Daemon says:
Is there a Mac Version?

aaron says:
so this only opens 1 second sound clips and not the music?? : /

IkaMusumeYiyaRoxie says:
Any update for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 compatibility?

Najwan says:
I just tried it out in Windows 10.
Yes, it still works. Thank you!

Venezolano says:
lo probe en windows 7 y funciona. para lo que tiene Linux o mac busquen una app que ejecute .exe dentro linux o mac en youtube puede consultar.

SinapsisCo says:
2021, win7 64-bit y funciona el programa

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