Will Zophar ever make a comeback?

> There's half your problem. I watched this site go up, and
> I'm very interested in seeing it rise again. Back when
> Zophar ran this site, it was huge. The counter on the site
> (that has seemingly disappeared at some point in time) was a
> testament to that. Hell, take a look at GoodSNES. You tell
> me what site, other than ZD, could have possibly held so
> much respect from the emulation community that its
> anniversary be compiled into a small demo ROM and placed in
> one of Cowering's Good sets.

> There is no lack of interest in the emulation community,
> there's just lack of action. I'd be willing to see the
> relaunching of this site through, and I'm sure many others
> would if we'd get off our asses and do something, and prove
> to them that something is actually going to happen.

Suggestions, as I've been here for about 10 years. So, if you want to do this, here's a hopeful future consilgiere's advice:

1) Be someone with experience in running a large website staffed by numerous people, or if this isn't the case, have good charisma and people skills. You will have people working for you for free, and you will have to balance prodding them to do stuff and keeping them from being offended that they are being prodded at all, since this is their free time they could be using for something else.
3) Content first. "New design" later. The inability for anyone to come up with a new design and SwampGas's perfectionism and attitude in this regard has been a huge stumbling block. I would still like to see Packardmelan's ideas come to fruition, as I liked his best, but he has much to worry about in real life. My suggestion is to not look professional, but rather cool. Zophar's Domain is basically the last emulation site around that existed when the Internet had less than 50 million people on it, and was a close-knit and smaller scene where the most important figures and the lamest lamers were well known and mingled on IRC, and familiar usernames abounded. There are over a billion people on the Internet now, and emulation is a massive, and fragmented, scene. Zophar's Domain shows the aesthetic influence of the hacking, cracking, and (no one would admit it) warez scenes, as many of the skills involved in emulation and rom hacking overlap to some extent with these scenes. As such, the pissed off rivethead teenager webpage vibe is kind of a throwback to the old days, and I like it that way, personally. Fagmaster and his Classicgaming, corporate game magazine style can go fuck themselves. God that site was shitty. ZD doesn't need to look like a mainstream gaming site.
<P ID="signature"></P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by JadussD on 07/07/06 12:33 AM.</FONT></P>
Excellent list. I think #2 and lack of motivation are the primary stumbling blocks at the moment. As you said, the scene is massive. It's possible that the scope of the site is unrealistically large.
<P ID="signature">http://qonos.princeton.edu/nbond
A rant about the scene.

> Zophar's Domain is basically the last emulation site around that
> existed when the Internet had less than 50 million people on it,

I learned about emulation at about 2000. And since then I've seen things change. I remember when you could get "any" SNES roms from romnation.com. A time long gone. (And although this is quite recent, it's a shame that emuasylum.com doesn't host SNES roms anymore)

> There are over a billion people on the Internet now, and emulation
> is a massive, and fragmented, scene.

I've known about emulation for a while now, and it's starting to seem like everyone who knows about classic gaming, knows about emulation. Amagine this, I go to one of the computer labs at my school for a period for some assignment, and (as there will always be people off task when a computer with internet is presented to them) one of my friends is playing ZSNES, I could tell. (I let him borrow my USB controller for a while, and he had it out.) When I took a look around, to my surprise, all the usual slackers were emulating, not on myspace or whatever else. (Even them being on myspace astounds me, some of them had cool profiles, I'd never amagine one of those assholes knowing one bit of html. Then I realized that there's sites that generate style tags and shit automatically. That's a sign of the age we live in; most of the kids in America are getting into computers at least a little. And people of our skill are making it easy for them, so they don't care to learn how to do it themselves.) One part of me thinks that emulation is being defiled, and the other thinks that the first part is an asshole for thinking emulation is something that can be defiled. Actually, they are, because most of them will "NEVER" contribute to the scene (or be intrested in how emulation works at all for that matter).

@ the original poster's
>> There is no lack of interest in the emulation community,

True, but not true; In the remains of the old scene, and a few newer people, there is no lack of intrest. But the new wave of assholes who don't give a shit (known amongst themselves as n00bs) have no intrest in actually contributing. If they'd bother to learn and stick with it, they'd be able to answer stupid questions from thier former peers, that would be contribution by just giving a shit.

I'd say: "Lets's weed out those who won't contribute." However, it's been said before, and I'm not committed enough to do anything about it. :P Actually, I'm definately not a leader, but I'll do something to contribute to a good cause. (But not an updated ZD, I'm not good at anything like site making. http://users.adelphia.net/~InsomniaDMXProof</a>)

Sorry, a little pissed, a little drunk, and I seem to be thinking I'm Lewis Black. At least I was coherent. :P
<P ID="signature">http://users.adelphia.net/~InsomniaDMX/My crappy little site.</a></P>
1.) I've never personally run large sites before, but I've co-ran a Diablo II hacking site long ago whichhad well over 40,000 members at its peak. It was a rival to cheatlist at the time. In any case, I have a long history of running sites and large forums, and as such, I've had to deal with people for a long time. However, I don't plan on owning the site -- I'm 17 and simply don't have the independence to run my own large-scale site.

2.) I don't have too much free time right now, but when college starts back up this August, I'll have free time.

3.) I've never seen Packardmelan's ideas. Perhaps you could show me some examples sometime? In anycase, SwampGas's perfectionism is fine because I, too, am a perfectionist. Also, you really can't redesign a site around content. At least I can't. I think when you redesign a site, you need to already have a basic grasp of everything that needs to be on the site, and then design your concept. Once the concept is workable, then you can add the content where it fits on the concept. Then, after that's done, you can go back and finalize the whole thing. Also, I agree in that ZD shouldn't look like some Web 2.0 site like digg. That means no gradients, no obscenely small pixel fonts, no Apple-esque reflections or aqua/pill buttons, etc... It need to have all of the functionality of a Web 2.0 site, but with a blast from the past, so to speak. And I think if you look at many of the emulation sites around today, they all look like emulation sites -- they're not the latest, designer-style, pretty sites, and I think that adds a bit of nostalgia which is really what emulation is all about.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> I have the resources, I have the
> files, I have everything except the time to do it. Put a
> sample site together, keeping the logo the same, and then
> once we have an actual product I'll give you access to the
> site to import the data and files.

Well, has anyone made any preliminary designs yet? Or does anyone have any ideas? Or should I start making concepts and posting them here?
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> Well, has anyone made any preliminary designs yet? Or does
> anyone have any ideas? Or should I start making concepts and
> posting them here?

Everyone does 5 minutes of work and then has something come up. Doesn't matter whether the excuse is legit or not because it's the same outcome: promises of everything, 50 people on the boards rising up in protest because I'm a bad person, and then nothing is ever developed.

When I see an actual working conceptual site, then I'll take action. Until then...it's the same vaporware I've seen/heard since 2000.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> Also, I agree in that ZD shouldn't
> look like some Web 2.0 site like digg. That means no
> gradients, no obscenely small pixel fonts, no Apple-esque
> reflections or aqua/pill buttons, etc... It need to have all
> of the functionality of a Web 2.0 site, but with a blast
> from the past, so to speak.

I like digg's look and feel. The ultimate solution is to make the whole site css driven so that you can make it look like whatever you want....but again...that takes a ton of time and dedication.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> http://www.zophar.net/zd-concept/
> Basically, I didn't get really far on 'customizing' an
> existing script, but I did show that "Olate Download" would
> go a long way toward updating the functionality of the site,
> even as-is.

If anyone cares about my opinion, I believe that using and implementing this ASAP would be the best course of action to save this site from the stagnant corpse it has become. As in, somebody DO IT. Somebody DO IT not later, but NOW. Everything else, even getting this to look good, can wait. Even getting people to provide content can wait. If you build it, they will come.

One thing I think would be a good idea is to get volunteers from outside the ZMD board to be staff members. ZMD users are group of people whom I believe that, for whatever reason, self-select for incompetency, laziness, and personality flaws (ie, projecting personal short-comings on others so that one doesn't have to face his unpleasant side) when it comes to updating and running ZMD. Must be the general atmosphere...

And then the truly motivated, confident, and realistic seeming people on this board like icenine0 probably have better things to do in their lives.

Here's a list of people I think would be great ZD staffers:


These people, from their posts, are the ones that strike me as confident, intelligent, realistic, and sociable. Anyone who wants to get ZD going should contact these people and ask them to join, or see what they have to say to this reply if they read it ;)
<P ID="signature"></P>
I wouldn't mind helping out one bit. Especially since college is out for a couple more weeks. I will be going on vacation next week, but that will only be for two weeks and I could probably still find access to this site anyway.
<P ID="signature">--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I wouldn't mind helping out one bit. Especially since
> college is out for a couple more weeks. I will be going on
> vacation next week, but that will only be for two weeks and
> I could probably still find access to this site anyway.

Well, that's cool then! If a few more people would want to help on staffing, then we'd be all set. Now we need is someone to lead. (EDIT: And the approval of SwampGas for whatever is done) Element_Zero hasn't posted here for six-days, but I hope he comes back. He has experience in the workings of a big-ass website, and he's motivated. Cool! It seems that since he actually cares enough about the site to come on the board and inquire about it and offer his service; he shows some initiative. Even if he doesn't have much time, I'm sure he has enough time to take a more hands-off approach to the maintaining of the site, although this is only possible if quality, trustworthy people are staffers, which they of course should be.
<P ID="signature"></P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by JadussD on 07/16/06 11:46 AM.</FONT></P>
Dude...I've been saying it for YEARS.

Someone just DO IT.

<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
Can I have a copy of the Olate header file? Or whichever file builds the Categories menu on the side?

You'll like what I want to do, trust me.

Also, a list of each theme, and how many people use each one... if a staffer does not know how to do this, contact me. It's actually kind of important.
<P ID="signature">http://hwody.comKilla's Blog</a></P>
Very nice

Definitely liking that theme.

I would also like to see the impossible(?) resurrection. I have no time and not near enough skills though. But I do offer an interesting reminder that may inspire someone with the skills to find enough time:

10th Anniversary is just over 3 months away. Wouldn't it be great to have a grand re-launching on that date?!
<P ID="signature">http://jathys.zophar.net/index.html
Re: Very nice

> 10th Anniversary is just over 3 months away. Wouldn't it be
> great to have a grand re-launching on that date?!

Most certainly. It doesn't make sense to publically anything until then.

Also, anyone who's working on something should get in touch with me. I have PSDs, PHP sources and other things left over from last time I gave a re-work a shot that might be of use to you. Also, I'd be happy to help with anything on the design end of things as long as someone else is in charge.
<P ID="signature"><font size="-2">Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff ~ Frank Zappa</font></P>
We don't have a staff. Of ourse, I'd be much more willing to help if we had more than 1 or 2 people who have time. And I don't really have time anymore. But I could make some time ;D
<P ID="signature">:D!</P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by Narvick on 07/17/06 10:49 PM.</FONT></P>
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