Will Zophar ever make a comeback?

I hesitate to post this, but I figure I need to.

I need to find a couple of people who would be willing to poke around my latest project; hosted on my own server... that isn't currently ZD staff.

Reason being, I'm not yet ready to submit this after two day's work as "OMGWTFBBQ, The NEW Zophar's Domain!" like I did last time. So I'm basically just doing this on my own, on my own time... but I kind of want to get some outside opinions.

Then again, I don't want to just post a URL and say "Have at it, kiddies!"... like I did last time.

I'm looking for general opinion/critique. Not a "In your CSS file, you need to move the reference to the areablock h1 to..." or whatever. As it is, I'm already reworking the css file to bring it up to snuff as best as I can. But the initial page -does- validate as Strict XHTML 1.0, in case anyone wonders.

...Yes, this project is to update ZD. It's a continuation of my initial work with Olate Download, aka ZD-Concept, as I feel that's really the best chance for ZD's future as an emulation archive.

Anyway, if you're interested in getting a peek and giving me your general opinion of it, PM me or leave a comment.

Thanks gang.
<P ID="signature">http://www.sloganizer.net/en/
I'd be willing to submit content every day, if no one else is willing to. I am probably online a good 4-6 hours a day, and I'm always checking my RSS feeds. :-)
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
Re: Very nice

> Also, anyone who's working on something should get in touch
> with me. I have PSDs, PHP sources and other things left
> over from last time I gave a re-work a shot that might be of
> use to you. Also, I'd be happy to help with anything on the
> design end of things as long as someone else is in charge.

I have a feeling you'll be getting an ICQ message from me in a few days. ;-)
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
Yea, I've been completely busy with my summer job. I just can't get used to the sleeping schedule and so I'm always tired, but I'll be getting off at the end of the first week of August (second week if I'm unlucky) and I'll have some time then until the end of the semester when finals start coming around.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
Also, as for alternative forum software, we can either go with a more traditional forum or a forum that is akin to the current one. If we decide the latter, I'd recommend Vanilla (digg link). It's new and looks similar to the current boards, but it's not near as old and crappy. Here's an example of it in action.

It's all css, of course, so Zophar themes could be easily implemented.

Otherwise, there's always the classic and undeniably good vBulletin ($160), Invision Power Board ($185), PhpBB3 (Free, Open Source), and XMB (Free, Open Source).
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> how about this theme?
> ZD Theme
That's actually really sexy. I'll be ending my summer job in two weeks, or so, and I'll finally have some time again to play games. I'll try to finish Lunar 1 and Lunar 2 to see what Zophar was inspired from, and then I'll see if i can't think of anything else, as well.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> Also, as for alternative forum software.

You'd better get your flame-retardant suit on. Suggesting a change in board software (to anything other than FUDForum) shows that you're out of touch with the community here.
<P ID="signature"><font size="-2">Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff ~ Frank Zappa</font></P>
I really don't like the way that looks, sorry no insult intended. ZD has some of the easiest to use and browse forums I've seen around and remember you need threaded and flat mode or you'll lose half the people that come here if you just use one or the other. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>
<P ID="signature">Definition of Gross: Finding a used condom at the bottom of your jar of mayonaise. </P>
I've nothing against these forums, they're just so oooolld.

From the looks of it, there are at least newer versions of FUDForum.

In anycase, it's hard to know what everyone wants, so I appreciate any user input, good or bad, so that I can become "in touch" with the current Zophar community, as well.
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> In anycase, it's hard to know what everyone wants

Not really. It just takes time. You showing up and expecting to change things over night reminds me of what InVerse did, and we all know what a disaster that turned out to be.
<P ID="signature"><font size="-2">Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff ~ Frank Zappa</font></P>
I don't know what InVerse did, but I expect to change things with the complete help of the community. Taking over the site and doing things my own way was never planned and still isn't. :-)
<P ID="signature">"Next time on Lupin the IIIrd. We find out that paradise is a lot like Disney Land...only with hookers."</P>
> > I don't know what InVerse did
> Let us just say InVerse is pretty much insane and leave it
> at that.

Although I wasn't here then, <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zophar's_Domain#Attacks_on_the_site>this explains it pretty well.</a>
I sense flaming coming on.
<P ID="signature">We port Kid Cuisine to the Playstation 2.
<img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/kidcuisinetotheplaystation2.png><img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/aim.gif></P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by soniczip on 07/30/06 03:54 PM.</FONT></P>
The wikipedia entry is full of misinformation.

<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> The wikipedia entry is full of misinformation.

Okay, so what really happened?
<P ID="signature">We port Kid Cuisine to the Playstation 2.
<img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/kidcuisinetotheplaystation2.png><img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/aim.gif></P>
> Okay, so what really happened?

It doesn't matter. It happened when you were in diapers.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
> It doesn't matter. It happened when you were in diapers.

Wrong. 2002 was when I was starting the 6th console generation. 1998 was when I started using my first Sega Genesis.
I was in diapers in 1993, before Zophar's Domain was even conceived.
Anyway, never mind.
<P ID="signature">We port Kid Cuisine to the Playstation 2.
<img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/kidcuisinetotheplaystation2.png><img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/aim.gif></P><P ID="edit"><FONT class="small">Edited by soniczip on 07/30/06 08:23 PM.</FONT></P>
> The wikipedia entry is full of misinformation.

well ok... why don't you <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zophar%27s_Domain&action=edit>fix it?</a>
<P ID="signature"></P>
> well ok... why don't you fix it?

Because I'm not interested in fixing it. A week later the same jerks will put the bad info back up.
<P ID="signature"><marquee direction=right scrollamount=10>
I guess you're also not interested in changing your underwear -- because it'll just get crusty again.

> Because I'm not interested in fixing it. A week later the
> same jerks will put the bad info back up.

<P ID="signature"></P>
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