I <3 B3t4 Pr0xy

> I haven't used AOL since 28.8 Kbps was fast.

How old are you? Because that was like 10-12 years ago, if not longer.
<P ID="signature"></P>
> How old are you? Because that was like 10-12 years ago, if
> not longer.

I'm 15, and I had to use it in 1998.
Sorry, bad estimation.
<P ID="signature">We port Kid Cuisine to the Playstation 2.
<img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/kidcuisinetotheplaystation2.png><img src=http://www.geocities.com/ikeeyebee/pkmntcg_imakuni.gif></P>
> > I haven't used AOL since 28.8 Kbps was fast.
> How old are you? Because that was like 10-12 years ago, if
> not longer.

I remember my dad bringing home a 33.6 U.S. Robotics modem in 1995. That was the shit.
<P ID="signature">
> I remember my dad bringing home a 33.6 U.S. Robotics modem
> in 1995. That was the shit.

That's when I got my first computer, and it was a fucking Commodor 64/128. I still played around on it though, then mom decided to give it to my older brother when we got a newer computer, which was a friggin 486. Then, around 2000, we got the comp I'm currently using, at least we got it while it was still new for the time.
<P ID="signature">--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hm.. couldn't someone just set up the connection manually
> using the access number, the name and password? Unless the
> browser passes some secret authorization code to connect, I
> don't see why that wouldn't work.

AOL uses encryption for the username and password me thinks, but it looks impossible to get the proper things unless you portscan AOL or something which is so advanced for them it makes their head burst. i know MSN used MSN/username and password, but it seems to be a bit more advanced than that on aol. either way, firefox runs faster has no image compression and it doesn't have that aol block thing on. plus you can connect to proxies transparently with no hassle, which is probably so far ot of your mom's league it loops.

ps, i know cause i had to use aol for awhile. then i got smart and switched to cable for the same price without the crappy browser and the shit-tastic disconnects and speed. the last time i heard that "goodbye" was the greatest moment of my life.
<P ID="signature"><hr>
Ludvuck Foruk: Thats your first problem...thinking your a panda...
sephiroth111: and once again, i am totally confused as to whats going on.</P>
sephiroth111, you are sooo lucky. To bad I'm still 13 and my mom thinks AOL is the bomb.
<P ID="signature"><marquee>Fous le camp.</marquee></P>
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