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  1. nensondubois

    My GBS rips

    Having some trouble submitting these on the site because of the verification code not appearing even with countless minutes of turning off adblock. All of them are contained in the .zip file. .GB conversions also exist as well as the important readme.txt...
  2. nensondubois forums! forums is now open to the public in it's somewhat post-beta (preliminary) stage, needing just a few tweeks and such to make it flawless. *Kirby's Daces!* Well, enjoy! ;D Can be seen here in the comment section...
  3. nensondubois

    (SNES) Music bank modiffiers help needed

    (SNES) Music bank modifier help needed I already know how to use a debugger (for the most part) to make music modifiers while keeping the game playing. I do know some 65816, and SPC700 but my problem is that when I make a music modifier for a game, the music is split across two or three banks...
  4. nensondubois

    Two errors

    One is this: You can't access the Windows/DOS and Unix/Linux emulators. This affects all pages. The second one is a spelling error: Gens32: "Bwsed" should be "Based".
  5. nensondubois

    Time is our enemy

    After my mom recently died I began to notice how short life is and how fast time is running out! We only have around 80 years and it goes by so fast. If there was an afterlife and 100 percent proof of it and GOD as well, I might feel different but no one really knows what will happen after death...
  6. nensondubois

    SPC music archive incorrect?

    I have noticed that many of the sets in the music archive are incorrect and inaccurate because they are not directly from and are missing several tracks. Example: The Super Wild Card is missing one of the tracks present in the's version (Hell I made the set. p=) why...
  7. nensondubois

    Game genie question

    You can patch a Game genie and PAR code to a NES rom but how do you patch a Game Genie code to an .nsf file? I tried with fail. renaming the .nsf to .nes and patching it doesn't work.
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